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Blind Faith (english version)  (Gemma Hayes Music)  september 2024

I gently place the pale pink vinyl on the turntable and start playing... just like before. The sleeve, in soothing sky blue, reveals a cloud shaped like a balloon and the shadow of a figure suspended by threads, like a celestial puppet.

Side A (4 tracks)

"Eye for an Eye" : An introductory track that sets the foundation for the album, a reflection on life's twists and turns, whether harsh or promising. Co-written with Lisa Hannigan, another gem of the Irish music scene.

"Central Hotel" : The centerpiece of the album that brings to life the floating character on the cover - this ghost in the sky.

"Another Love" : A touching collaboration with Paul Noonan, her stage partner during their recent trio tour.

"Hardwired" : The second fruit of collaboration with Lisa Hannigan, this track from Blind Faith seems made for live performance. One can easily imagine it performed by these two crystalline voices right on Grafton Street. This was the song that won over that young spectator in the front row during the memorable concert at London's Union Chapel, the day after the album's release. The track exudes freedom, like a heartfelt cry born during lockdown.

Side B (5 tracks)

"Feed the Flames" : The second single that sets the tone: a quest for purity, an invitation to release emotions and stand up for one's beliefs.

"High and Low" : The first single unveiled earlier this year, quintessential Gemma Hayes : authentic, with lyrics carrying messages to which only she holds the keys.

"The Break Didn't Heal Right" : A musical state of emergency, expressing a world where everything can change. The natural response to "Hardwired", carried by unforgettable live crescendos.

"Can't Kill a Hunger" : Co-written with Ann Scott, her faithful tour collaborator, this track resonates like a return to origins.

"Return of the Daughters" : This is the album's final track, one you wish wouldn't end so soon. A conclusion that rings like a promise, the return we've been hoping for, leaving us already anticipating the next opus. It closes Blind Faith with the elegance that so well characterizes Gemma Hayes.

The essence of the album : the whole depicts a spirit in search of freedom, finding refuge and peace among loved ones, patient in the wait for better days.

After a break dedicated to her personal and family life, Gemma Hayes returns without having lost any of her charm or talent, forged by more than 20 years of career. Her compositions from the Believe/Source era remain timelessly fresh.

We hope to see her soon in Paris, this artist who, true to herself, continues to self-produce her albums in France for years.


A lire aussi sur Froggy's Delight :

La chronique de l'album Blind Faith (version française) de Gemma Hayes

More information :
Gemma Hayes official website
Gemma Hayes Bandcamp
Gemma Hayes Soundcloud
Gemma Hayes Facebook

Jessica Kuijer         
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• A lire aussi sur Froggy's Delight :

# 1er décembre 2024 : de quoi se réchauffer

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Au théâtre :

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"Yvonne ou ma génération Y" au Théâtre La Flèche

et toujours :
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"Body concert" au Théâtre du Rond-Point
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des reprises :
(des pièces déjà chroniquées qui reviennent à l'affiche, atttention, parfois c'est dans un théâtre différent)
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"Toutes les choses géniales" au Théâtre Le Funambule Montmartre
"Comment va le monde ?" à Théâtre Essaïon
"66 jours" à La Scala
"Intra Muros" à La Pépinière Théâtre
"Des ombres et des armes" à La Manufacture des Abbesses
"Changer l'eau des fleurs" au Théâtre Lepic
"Je m'appelle Erik Satie comme tout le monde" au Théâtre Le Funambule Montmartre

Du côté de la lecture :

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"Ecrits sur le cinéma" de Pauline Kael
"L'héritière" de Gabriel Bergmoser
et toujours :
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"Histoires de la seconde guerre mondiale" de Jean Lopez & Olivier Wieworka"Dernier meutre au bout du monde" de Stuart Turton
"Sparte contre Athènes" de Manuel Rodrigues de Oliveira

Un peu de jeux vidéo :

"Exographer" de SciFunGames

Aller au cinéma ou regarder un bon film :

"Slow Pulse Boys, the story of And Also The Trees de Sébastien Faits-Divers & Alexandre François
"Au Boulot !" de Gilles Perret et François Ruffin
"Le repli" de Joseph Paris
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"Les oubliés de l'amérique" et autres films de Sean Baker
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"Papa est en voyage d'affaires" de Emir Kusturica

Et toute la semaine des émissions en direct et en replay sur notre chaine TWITCH

Bonne lecture, bonne culture, et à la semaine prochaine.

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