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Interview VO  (Paris)  mercredi 19 février 2014

Creepin’ On, les canadiens Timber Timbre reviennent avec un nouvel album : Hot Dreams. Nous avons eu l’occasion de discuter avec Taylor Kirk, le chanteur et Simon Trottier, guitariste et percussionniste. Ils ont répondu à des questions sur leur relation au cinéma, la manière dont ils composent leur musique, leurs dernières chansons ou encore leur image mystérieuse.

It seems that your music has some relationship with cinema. Your sound has been described as "cinematic" and some of your songs are featured in films and series. Do you feel both are connected ?

Taylor Kirk : I went to film school, to art school and I made films there. I was really interested in becoming a film maker. And then I was interested in becoming a composer for films. I was pretty obsessed with this idea. And then I started to play rock and roll music, and started playing in different bands and kind of lost interest in cinema. But I thought if I were to have a career in music it would be as a composer, that instrumental school. But we turned it out a little bit... What would you say ? Talk about our experiences.

Simon Trottier : We were asked to do some soundtracks. We, very fast, realized that it was really hard to work with film makers because they want to hear something specific, but they want the band to do the music. So it’s kind of hard to give them what they wanted. We had to change our music to make it work with the movie, so I guess we came back and we did a new record. (Laughs)

I’ve noticed a couple of times a link between your music and David Lynch. Do you agree with this association ? Are you interested in this film director ?

Taylor Kirk : I think we really like what he’s doing. Good movies : Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, the other one… Lost Highway. I really like these films. I really like what he does. But I think it’s funny that anything that is kind of, like… I think he’s kind of overrated. Everything, every set or anything that is kind of… weird or creepy or something that plays with Americana, and it’s a twist on the unkind is always attributed to David Lynch. Like anything weird is automatically… Lynch. So sometimes I would rather not hear that comparison just because it’s always him. I don’t know.

Simon Trottier : Were you thinking of someone else ?

Taylor Kirk : I don’t know… Jodorowsky or Fellini, I don’t know. There’s lots of people who were, in film anyway, vignettes that Lynch worked with. But, anyway… it doesn’t matter.

Then is there any other film director that you would draw a parallel with ?

Simon Trottier : I love Jim Jarmusch.

I met him last week. He was playing a concert in Paris.

Simon Trottier : A concert ? With the lute player, Jozef Van Wissem ? We saw him yesterday in London.

What films by Jarmusch do you like ?

Simon Trottier : Down by Law, Broken Flowers, few people liked it but I really liked it, Dead Man of course.

Taylor Kirk : I really appreciate that Jim Jarmusch is always bringing interesting music and he has different approach to film score. That’s kind of something. I think it’s very unusual because he worked with... In our experience, anyway, and this is what I understand in common, film makers will hire groups to make a score and then ultimately what they want isn’t something the band is able to do or the group does. What the director wants is the typical genre’s clichés. But Jim Jarmusch is really forward in this way.

Simon Trottier : Like asking Boris to do the… the score for Dead Mean.

Taylor Kirk : Yeah, yeah ! Jim Jarmusch, we all liked him !

Simon Trottier : He looks nice too with his white hair, and the tone of his voice. Did you see his last movie ?

Not yet, have you ?

Simon Trottier : No! What about that Danny Boyle movie? I’m not into zombies but that film, 28 Days Later it was really good.

When it comes to songwriting, do you have any literary influence in particular ? Do you like reading ?

Taylor Kirk : Just text messages, mostly texts. I think I have read three… I’m feeling honest… I think I’ve read three books last year and that’s a very sad thing.

Simon Trottier : But you were reading a lot before.

Taylor Kirk : I used to read books. I don’t know. I really used to be interested in it. I guess I never really found the next thing. I was really interested in Faulkner, most recently I guess Raymond Chandler, John Fante. I don’t know, I need all the help I can get !

Has reading William Faulkner an influence in your song writing ?

Taylor Kirk : Oh, very much, yeah. I really… For earlier recordings, I remember looking specifically at Faulkner, Robert Frost, Arthur Rimbaud. I picked up some Arthur Rimbaud again. I was interested on him again for this recording. Everything that is kind of absurd… all is forming.

Before Creep On Creepin’ On (2011), Timber Timbre would be a solo artist project. How Timber Timbre becoming a band has changed things ?

Simon Trottier : I don’t know I wasn’t there. (Laughs)

Taylor Kirk : I guess the way, the process changed. This time… With Creep On, I kind of finished the songs in terms of structure, how they would be as recorded tracks. We collaborated as a group to produce and arrange the recording, the songs. This time, the shift was a little bit different in that. And I should say the previous, with Creep On, I had a lot more textual references that I was working with to fit to music. And I think it’s something that changes every time, more or less arbitrarily, depending on how many books I manage to read. The last, with Hot Dreams, there were all music ideas pretty much, except from a few fragmented text messages. We kind of composed ideas separately and brought ideas together.

Around 2011, you said : "we’re doing lots of rehearsing and being very careful about the arrangements… we’ll become a rock band, I guess". Do you think you have managed to become one with Hot Dreams ?

Taylor Kirk : (Laughs) I need to think… Have we become a rock band ? I think so !

Simon Trottier : Yes, yes !

Taylor Kirk : Now it’s very much it, the way we execute the songs is… When I said "rock band" is like a rock format, like drums, bass, guitar, keys. That’s what we are doing now, so.

Why have you named the album after the song "Hot dreams" ? I guess it’s like the "black sheep" of the album. It is different from the others songs.

Taylor Kirk : I would consider it to be the "white sheep". (Laughs) Sorry ! But that’s a better analysis to consider… I consider the other songs to be kind of dark. The other records are considered creepy, spooky, these are the adjectives used to describe these records. And I was kind of interested in curbing at a little bit and taking a different approach.

Your voice has become deeper, comparing to "We’ll find out", for instance. "Curtains" comes closer to R&B, and "Grand Canyon" definitively sounds like folk or blues. Did you have new influences while composing this album ?

Taylor Kirk : I had puberty again ! (Laughs)

Simon Trottier : Your voice changed…

Taylor Kirk : Puberty… There’s three puberties for men, and it just keeps dropping. I think that’s true.

Simon Trottier : Really ?

Taylor Kirk : I do, yeah. I think there are a couple of different… There are, don’t you think ?

Simon Trottier : I never thought about it…

Taylor Kirk : There is the puberty, like also, when you turn thirty or something and you get fat and bald… The voice drops…

Simon Trottier : Well, let me help you with that. You want to know the influences, right ?

Taylor Kirk : One thing I was really interested in, well two things, were Lee Hazlewood and Roger Miller. I actually went to sing these songs. I kind of panicked because these… They have very low, baritone voices. And I was really worried about singing the songs from Hot Dreams, when I went to try to do it, because I realized that, I thought I had written those songs for those kinds of voices but I don’t really have that kind of voice. So, I was trying to mimic them. And that’s kind of always, always happening: finding another voice that I would like to emulate, or that I am interesting in. But there were lots of different things that were informing…

Simon Trottier : But explain yourself, "Curtains" sounds like R&B ?

At the beginning, the keyboards…

Simon Trottier : Oh yeah ! For me, the reference is more Krautrock, it’s German rock and roll from the seventies. It’s more repetitive, going on the same... Do you feel this too ?

Taylor Kirk : Yeah, but I get the R&B too totally.

Simon Trottier : OK, you’re right, R&B.

You have created a mysterious image of yourselves. It’s hard to find information about you.

Both : That’s good ! (Laughs)

Simon Trottier : But you’re going to ruin our mysterious image with this interview…

You have being described as an "enigma". Is that an extension of your music ? Or is the contrary ? How are both things related ?

Taylor Kirk : That’s a question… Is the image of ourselves an extension of the project ? Wow… She’s deep ! I don’t know how to consider that question. No, I don’t think we have this image of ourselves. I suppose it would be the contrary. Then it’s just more interesting and more enticing. The less that you know about an artist…

Simon Trottier : You want to know more but you can’t know and this is why you keep on to... do you know what I mean ? It’s more interesting not knowing.

I think people also want to know about people they like.

Both : Yeah !

Simon Trottier : They really want to know.

Taylor Kirk : Then they can’t !

Simon Trottier : If we tell everybody what we are right now, they won’t give a s**t in six months and they will turn out to something else.


A lire aussi sur Froggy's Delight :

La chronique de l'album eponyme de Timber Timbre
La chronique de l'album Creep On Creepin'On de Timber Timbre
La chronique de l'album Hot Dreams de Timber Timbre
La chronique de l'album Sincerely, Future Pollution de Timber Timbre
Timber Timbre en concert au Festival Les Nuits de l'Alligator 2011 (lundi 21)
Timber Timbre en concert au Festival de Beauregard #7 (édition 2015) - Dimanche
Timber Timbre en concert au Festival La Route du Rock #25 (vendredi 14 août 2015)
Timber Timbre en concert au Festival Nancy Jazz Pulsations #44 (édition 2017)
L'interview de Timber Timbre (mercredi 19 février 2014)

En savoir plus :
Le site officiel de Timber Timbre
Le Myspace de Timber Timbre
Le Facebook de Timber Timbre

Irene Alvarez         
Nouveau Actualités Voir aussi Contact
# 18 aout 2024 : Bientôt la rentrée

En attendant la rentrée cuturelle, on vous donne quelques nouvelles de Granby. Et pensez aussi à nous suivre sur nos réseaux sociaux.

Du côté de la musique :

"Wake up the wicked" de Powerwolf
Festival international de la chanson de Granby :
mardi 13 août, Flight of the Oryx, Jono, Marie-France Lantin etc.
mercredi 14 août, Junes, Parazar, Mercure, HYL, Nadia Sylvain et d'autres
jeudi 15 août, Lou K, Isabelle Mercier, Victorella, Jérémie Arsenault notamment
vendredi 16 août, Sympa César, Gervaise, Messe, Bermuda, Beauséjour etc.
dimanche 18 août, Miro Chino, San James, Steven & Steeven, Sugar Crush, Guillaume Lafond, Alex Nevsky...

quelques découvertes avec Last Temptation et Anna
"Les choses m'échappent" de Les Mercuriales
"La france des maudits" de Seth
"Vertigo" de Wand
et toujours :
Festival des Vieilles Charrues #32 et toutes les photos sur Taste Of Indie
retour sur le Hellfest #17 avec Green Lung, Houle, Satyricon et beaucoup d'autres
Festival Chauffer dans la Noirceur #32 :
le vendredi avec Mike Love, Gogol Bordello, Psychotic Monks et d'autres
le samedi avec TTrruuces, Faada Freddy, Slift et quelques autres
"In the sky wirh" Gérard Loussine
"Summer sampler #11" de Howlin' Banana Bands
"Mesdames" de Mesdames

Au théâtre :

Spéciale Avignon :
"Victor HuG.O.A.T n°1 du rap français" au Théâtre Au Bout Là-Bas
"Ce que nous désirons est sans fin" au Théâtre Présence Pasteur
"Les biches ne brament pas au clair de lune" au Théâtre de la Reine Blanche
"Othello" au Théâtre Au Vieux Balancier
"Muette" au Théâtre du Balcon
"Le mardi à Monoprix" au B.A. Théâtre
"Nulle autre voix" au Théâtre Artéphile
"La ligne solaire" au Théâtre Le 11
"Le monde, point à la ligne" au Théâtre des Barriques
"Hamlet take away" au Théâtre de l'Atelier Florentin
"Toutes les choses géniales" au Théâtre La Condition des Soies
"Agathe Royale" au Théâtre des Gémeaux
"Comme on brûle encore" au Théâtre du Cabestan
"Entrée des artistes" au Théâtre des Halles
"J'aimerais arrêtée" au Théâtre Luna / Quartier Luna
"Les enfants du diable" au Théâtre L'Oriflamme
"Momentos" au Théâtre Girasole
"Venise, récit chanté d'un corp" au Théâtre le 11
"L'arbre de Mia" au Grenier à Sel
"Au creux de mon silence" au Théâtre 3S
"Des chèvres en Corrèze" au Théâtre Episcène
"Inavouable" de Théâtre La Manufacture
"Vive" au Théâtre du Train Bleu
"Brisby (blasphème !)" au Théâtre du Train Bleu
"L'art de ne pas dire" au Théâtre La Factory, salle Tomasi
"Constellation Bobin Leprest" au Théâtre Le Verbe Fou
"Femme non rééducable" au Théâtre du Balcon
"Métanoïa, le présage du papillon" au Théâtre La Factory, Chappelle des Antonins
"Normal" à La Scala Provence
"Le poids des fourmis" au Théâtre La Manufacture
"Les enchanteurs" au Théâtre des Gémeaux
"Cyborg Experiments #1" au Théâtre La Factory
"Cet amour qui manque à tout amour" au Théâtre Chapau Rouge
"Rêveries" au Présence Pasteur, salle Jacques Fornier
"160 000 enfants" au Théâtre des Lilas
"Anne Chrsitine et Philippe" au Tiers lieu La Respelid'/Carmel
"Blanc de blanc" au Théâtre Transversal
"Classement sans suite" au Théâtre La Luna
et également toutes les chroniques par théâtre :
Le récapitulatif des tous les spectacles d'Avignon chroniqués chez Froggy

Cinéma avec :
"Gondola" de Veit Helmer
"Aventurera" de Alberto Gout
"Karmapolice" de Julien Paolini
un DVD avec "Berlin boys" de David Wnendt
"Saravah" de Pierre Barouh
"La récréation de juillet" de Pablo Cotten et Joseph Rozé
"El profesor" de Marie Alché & Benjamin Naishtat
"Six pieds sur terre" de Hakim Bensalah
"Nouveau monde" de Vincent Capello
et toujours :
"La Gardav" de Thomas et Dimitri Lemoine
"Heroico" de Davis Zonana
"Roqya" de Saïd Belktibia
"L'esprit Coubertin" de Jérémie Sein

Expos avec "Résistance" de l'artiste Ukrainien Pinhas Fishel, Pavillon Davioud

Lecture avec :

Nos polars de l'été :
"7m2" de Jussi Adler Olsen
"La meute" de Olivier Bal
"Les effacées" de Bernard Minier
"Norferville" de Franck Thilliez
et toujours :
"Délivrées" de Delilah S. Dawson
"Un autre eden" de James Lee Burke
"Joli mois de mai" de Alan Parks
"Se perdre ou disparaitre" de Kimi Cunningham Grant
"Vic Chestnutt, le calme et la fureur" de Thierry Jourdain
"La cité des mers" de Kate Mosse
"Merci la résistance !" par un Collectif d'auteurs
"Mon homme marié" de Madeleine Gray
"Rien de spécial" de Nicole Flattery
"Le temps des cerises" de Montserrat Roig
"Neuf mois" de Philippe Garnier
"De sable et d'acier" de Peter Caddick-Adams
"Je ne suis pas un héros" de Eric Ambler
"Après minuit" de Gillian McAllister

Et toute la semaine des émissions en direct et en replay sur notre chaine TWITCH

Bonne lecture, bonne culture, et à la semaine prochaine.

Les 4 derniers journaux
- 18 aout 2024 : Bientôt la rentrée
- 28 juillet 2024 : LEs jeux ne sont pas encore faits
- 21 juillet 2024 : La culture en forme Olympique
- 14 juillet 2024 : La grande parade
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